Suggestions and complaints can be made directly to the Library at:
or by using the University Library form and selecting La Yutera as the destination Library.
BUVa suggestions and complaint mailbox
BUVa suggestions and complaints mailbox
Suggestions about new acquisitions can be sent directly by e-mail, along with the user's name, surnames, category (student, professor, etc.) and university department or center:
or by using the online form:
The group study rooms are available for general use. Reservations are only required when the entire room is needed for exclusive use. Group Study Room 1 has 15 workstations, while Room 2 has 25 workstations and is set up for classes or training sessions.
- Reservation instructions for Group Study Room 1 (Sala de Trabajo 1)
- Online reservations for Group Study Room 1
- Reservation instructions for Group Study Room 2 (Sala de Trabajo 2)
- Online reservations for Group Study Room 2
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