This is a lending service between the UVa Library system and other Spanish and foreign libraries. There is a user cost associated with this service, based on the type of library from which the document is requested.
The fees for this service are determined by the library in possession of the document requested. The fees associated with requesting documents from Spanish libraries are not the same as those associated with requesting documents from foreign libraries.
University of Valladolid Library belongs to the REBIUN University Libraries Network and adheres to Rebiun fees for document exchanges..
To request materials through inter-library loan services, contact us by e-mail at:
The University of Valladolid Library system has 14 service points or centers on 4 separate campuses. Through intercenter lending, library users can access the archives at the various library centers.
Users can request a book from another center through the University Library catalog and pick it up at their own campus library.
This service is free for the UVa community.
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