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Reina Sofía Library: Areas and equipment

Information about the library

Ground floor

Here you can find:

  • 68 seats 
  • 3 couches to read
  • 3 computers connected to the Internet (two of them with scanners)
  • Self-issue machines
  • fitballs to use as seats
  • 17 laptops
  • 1 camera, 1 video camera and a tripod
  • Other borrowing materials: reading desks, anti noise protectors, chargers, USB flash drives, headphones, calculators, etc.
  • Bibliographic material on every topic, with special collections on:
  • languages, UVA publications, Valladolid, narrative, easy languages, easy readings, chess
  • Recycling Area


The information-and-lending desk

The information-and-lending desk is the first place you will find after you enter the library.

Our staff will help you to:

  • Access the Almena catalogue and retrieve information from there
  • Solve any doubt about the UVa library system
  • Use the self-check workstation
  • Use the microform reading machine
  • Order a library card for post-graduate students which you can use in any UVa library
  • Know the different areas of public use offered by the library
  • Discover information about courses or activities in any UVa library
  • Find the norms and services on the BUVa website
  • Discover new information on the BUVa website
  • And more basic information about the library
  • And, of course, they will facilitate the borrowing and the returning of books , magazines and other borrowing material (laptops, headphones, chargers, reading desks, etc.)

Call the phone number 983 423 029

Write and email  to



First floor

On the first floor you can find:

The central courtyard

  • 32 seats
  • 5 couch to read
  • Encyclopedias and large-format books
  • Comics
  • fitballs to use as seats
  • The table of puzzles

The music room

  • 40 seats 
  • 2 computers connected to the Internet
  • Shelves with recent bibliographic material
  • 1 digital piano
  • 1 music notation whiteboard (you can ask for marker pens at the lending desk)
  • fitballs to use as seats

Group-work room

  • 12 seats
  • 1 fitball to use as a seat
  • 1 small, mobile whiteboard (you can ask for marker pens at the lending desk)

Concha Lagos room

  • 24 seats 
  • 2 computers connected to the Internet
  • Espasa Calpe Encyclopaedia (1930 edition)
  • Shelves with recent bibliographic material on libraries, archives and museums
  • 1 fitball to use as a seat



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Biblioteca de la Universidad de Valladolid. licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.